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  • 75th District Court

    Court Liaison Program Coordinator


    Andrias Lowe, LCSW
    Veteran Justice Outreach Coordinator (VA Representative)


    • Liberty County Veterans Treatment Court (Felony/Misdemeanor)

      Veterans Treatment Court is a voluntary intervention program for veterans involved in the criminal justice system due to underlying, unmanaged substance use or mental health disorders.  The program is twenty four months, depending on the level of services needed and the progress made by the veteran. Veterans who successfully complete the program may have their charges dismissed through diversion or be granted conditional discharge through probation.  Many of these men and women have been affected by their military service through combat trauma, PTSD, traumatic brain injury and other problems. Veterans Treatment Courts connect veterans involved in the criminal justice system to benefits and treatment. Together in a collaborative effort, several local, state, and federal agencies work together to provide substance use and mental health treatment and intensive judicial supervision to assist veterans in achieving healthy, stabilized lifestyles. Veterans Treatment Court involves frequent court appearances, random drug/alcohol testing, group and individual counseling, and at times intensive community supervision. 

      Veterans Treatment Courts strive to increase public safety, decrease the incarceration of those with substance use or mental health disorders, and improve the quality of life for veterans, families, and the community. 

      Eligibility Criteria: 
      To be eligible for a Veterans Treatment Court:

      • The person must be an adult; 
      • The person must be charged with a criminal offense; 
      • The person must be a veteran or service member of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard an honorable or general discharge;
      • The person must be eligible for care with Veteran Health Administration
      • The person must have a mental health or substance use disorder and must be identified as clinically appropriate as determined by a validated clinical assessment tool; 
      • The person must be approved for admission by the Veterans Treatment Court team.

      Admission Process:

      • Step One: Application - Defense counsel may apply to Veterans Treatment Court by submitting an application as indicated under Application Process tab. 
      • Step Two: Preliminary Prosecutor Approval - The prosecuting attorney/judge will determine if the person's pending case(s) and criminal history meet eligibility criteria. 
      • Step Three: Clinical Assessment - The person will complete a clinical assessment. 
      • Step Four: Team Review - The Veterans Treatment Court team will review the person's information, including the clinical assessment findings, to determine program appropriateness.
    • Applications accepted from attorney only

      Please have Veteran complete the documents below and fax back to:  (713) 770-2808. Be sure to check boxes for: Drug Abuse  and  Alcoholism and Alcohol abuse on page two of the ROI. 

      Contact Veterans Treatment Court using the link below, if you have any questions.

      Veteran must include attorney information and answer all questions pertaining to potential participation in the program.

      Veteran's Court Application

      ROI-Request for and Authorization to Release Health Information


    • Your Namerequired
      Your Phone Number
      Your Email:required
      Confirm Email:
      Your Reason for Inquiryrequired
    • Veterans Crisis Line
      1-800-273-8255 press 1

      Hotline for Women Veterans

      Conroe VA Outpatient Clinic

      Beaumont VA Outpatient Clinic

      Houston Regional VA Hospital

      Houston VA Consumer Affairs:

      Liberty County Veteran Service Office
      936-336-4558 ext. 4

      PTSD Foundation Crisis Line

      Tri-County Behavioral Healthcare Crisis Line

      MVPN Coordinator for Liberty

      United Way


    • To submit a public information request, click HERE